About Elen

I am a medicine woman, a healing arts practitioner, a soul midwife, a freedom facilitator, an inner wealth cultivator, a ceremonialist, a heaven-on-earth reality architect, and an energetic surgeon. There are many titles for the role I play here on Earth, all of them fit, and none of them quite fully fit. So I have fun expressing all of them. 

But the boiled-down essence of what I do that runs through each of these titles is I serve the healing, freedom, sovereignty, and embodiment of one’s soul. I hold, guide, and support the human as they walk the journey of coming home to themselves so that they may be the fullest expression of all that they are. That they may be free of the chains that bind them and the pain they carry that weighs them down. This looks different for each and every person I work with, but where we all go is the same: back home to ourselves.

I have devoted nearly fifteen years (and many lifetimes) to this path of service, healing, and freedom. Over this time I have freed myself of chains that were deemed unbreakable, healed illnesses that I was told were incurable, and experienced miracles where seemingly there was none to be had. 

Through my long and winding journey, I have cultivated a deep rich sense of inner wealth, peace, and soul freedom where my gifts are online, I know myself inside and out, and I am fulfilled with nothing to prove. Much of my training comes from this journey. This training is married with multiple year-long trainings in the healing arts both practical and mystical, plant dietas & plant apprenticeships, soul remembrances, and direct teachings from Life & God. My medicine is embodied. It is not just something I do; it is an extension of who I am. I do not just talk the talk, I walk the walk. And will for the rest of my life.

When I am not facilitating my work you can find me making sourdough pancakes, baking bread, hosting dinner parties, playing in the woods, swimming in wild water, sitting for tea, writing poetry, spending time with my loved ones, and enjoying a life of peace and calm.

my approach

My approach is intuitive, grounded, and multidimensional. There is no specific modality or set structure I use when supporting those who work with me, I meet the moment-to-moment unfolding and am guided on how to best serve the person in front of me. The medicine I serve is unique unto me. Though I do pull inspiration from plan taught womb shamanism, my Celtic druid lineage, the christed template, and my plant allies. 

​I am devoted to my clearness & integrity above all so that I can be a clear channel & safe + grounded practitioner for the purest frequencies to flow through me & the spaces I hold. Along my journey, I have seen a lot of distortion happening within the realms of healing, where those seeking healing end up worse off than they were before or they simply keep looping in healing unable to experience resolution with many practitioners not actually knowing what they are doing. I made vows long ago to never cause harm and only serve as a healer that allowed true healing to occur. My devotion to this is unwavering, which is one of the reasons my clients come to trust me so fully. And with this trust, there is nowhere we cannot journey together. Within this devotion, I work only with the one true light of God and serve only Divine Will; meaning that I do not just allow any energies to flow through me or in my spaces. I hold a fiercely protected container.

I have the gift of being able to see the highest expression of one’s soul embodied into form - meaning I see all of who my client is and can be, and I am able to see & track the places within them they are stuck, trapped, looped, imprisoned and where the soul is unable to take root. I carry the skillsets to support the removal and liberation of these places so you can be free and live as all that you are. 

I meet each and every person who walks through my door exactly where they are, and
create + serve in response to that. I hold the paradigm that not only is healing available to everyone, it is inevitable. I do not, however, force personal will agendas or ideas of what healing needs to look like, nor do I make promises of specific outcomes. I hold wide open space for my client's soul & the Divine plan for them to unfold as seamlessly as possible. In this spaciousness is where miracles can occur. Though Divine Will looks different for everyone, what I do know for certain is that it is in Divine Will for every person who chooses it to be well-healed, sovereign, free, and surrounded by love. This is the template from which I serve.

The soul and body are always trying to heal themselves. True healing is meant to complete
itself, it is not meant to last forever.
My offerings deeply support the unfolding of this process & reality.